Disruptive bench-scale purification of lentivirus using affinity-liquid phase separation technology
Nicole L Votaw, Melissa Callander, Torie Broer, Alyssa Wheeler, Michael Dzuricky, Kelli Luginbuhl
Isolere Bio’s Nicole Votaw, Alyssa Wheeler, Michael Dzuricky and Kelli Luginbuhl recently co-authored an article for the Cell & Gene Therapy Insights Journal. You can access this article ‘Disruptive bench-scale purification of lentivirus using affinity-liquid phase separation technology’ now!
Early-stage cell and gene therapy researchers who utilize lentiviral vectors face high production costs and often work with hard-to-scale concentration and purification methods that lack specificity for lentiviral purification. These factors lead to roadblocks in research efforts and present complications when transitioning operations from clinical to commercial scales.
In this article, we examine the development, evaluation, and performance of Isolere’s IsoTag™ LV – a research-scale reagent that reimagines how we capture, concentrate, and purify lentivirus. We discuss how this reagent’s modes of operation offer faster, more effective lentiviral purification workflows that can meet scaling demands. Through extensive testing and data analysis, we share how IsoTag™ LV yields higher titer lentiviral vectors and is proven to be more successful at contaminant removal when compared to other LV purification products designed for research use.
Prototype IsoTag™ LV reagent will be available for purchase in early 2024.
Lentiviral vectors are widely used in cell and gene therapy, but their high production costs hamper early-stage research efforts. Furthermore, many concentration and purification methods available to early-stage researchers today are difficult to scale or lack specificity for lentiviral purification, hindering preclinical research and translation to clinical and commercial scales. We have developed a research-scale lentiviral reagent with the potential to transform lentiviral purification workflows. The reagent is quick and easy to use, yields high titer lentiviral vectors, and, because of its specificity, is more effective at contaminant removal than other LV purification products designed for research use. By specifically attaching to the viral envelope in solution and then forming liquid droplets around the lentivirus, IsoTag™ LV protects viruses from aggregation and degradation while dramatically increasing the effective size and density of the LV, thus facilitating easy separation from other smaller and less dense contaminants (i.e., host cell proteins). The actual process of capture is very simple and can be implemented by any user, at any skill level, with low-cost lab equipment. The design and development of a small-scale centrifugation process and novel reagent detailed herein lays the foundation for additional development of the IsoTag™ LV for larger scale processing. IsoTag™ LV is poised to democratize LV production and purification in the research world and accelerate development of new cell and gene therapies.
Original Article Published on: https://www.insights.bio/cell-and-gene-therapy-insights/journal/article/2998/Disruptive-bench-scale-purification-of-lentivirus-using-affinity-liquid-phase-separation-technology
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